Erinäitus - Speciality show 14. May 2005 TALLINN Tulemused ja kirjeldused - Results and descriptions Iiri hundikoer (Irish wolfhound) Isane juuniorklass (male, junior class) 1. FERNMARK JUGGERNAUT s.21.11.2003 FIN10711/04 ID985120019178672 värvus: brindle i.FIN EST CH ESTJW-03 ESTW-04 FRAG’ ARACH VON DEN ERZMINEN e.FIN CH FERNMARK GLIESE kasv.U.Af Heurlin, Finland om. Kirsi Pirinen, Polvipolku 12a 3, Järvenpää, Finland Impressive junior. Very good size. Nice head and eye. Could have better ears. Good teeth, nice neck and topline. Well bodied. OK angulation. Good bone and feet. Nice coat. He is very free mover from the side, but could be better coming and going. 1/1, J-SERT, TP Jun 2. VEJGARI FEB s.11.06.2004 LV-10307/04 ID A517 värvus: must i. PL&DT CH CHUCK VOM LUCHEMER BRÜCKCHEN e.LV&ESTJunior of very good size. Elegant head. Good eye and teeth. Elegant neck. Very good top and underline. Rather straight in front. Could be stronger in hocks. Free mover from side, but not ready going. Good coat. Needs more time. 2/2 Emane juuniorklass (female, junior class ) 3. VEJGARI FREIJA s.11.06.2004 LV-10307/04 ID A517 värvus: must i. PL&DT CH CHUCK VOM LUCHEMER BRÜCKCHEN e.LV&ESTVery nice junior bitch of good size and type. Feminine head, good eye, elegant neck. Nice top and underline. Well bodied for age. Strong hindquarters, OK front. She is nice mover for her age. Good coat. Nice feet. 1/1, J-SERT, VSP Jun, PE3 Isane noorteklass (male, intermediate class) 4. FERNMARK JAWOHL s.21.11.2003 FIN10711/04 ID985120019664831 värvus: brindle i.FIN EST CH ESTJW-03 ESTW-04 FRAG’ ARACH VON DEN ERZMINEN e.FIN CH FERNMARK GLIESE kasv.U.Af Heurlin, Finland om.Tytti Meier, Lemminkäisentie 14, Hyvinkää, Finland Excellent size of dog. Masculine, good head. OK neck. Good teeth. Well bodied. Nice front. Could be stronger in hocks. Excellent depth of body. Nice mover from side, but not ready going. Excellent feet, good coat. 1/1, VSP, PI2, SERT 5. EST & BLR J CH OŠUMARE FERGUS OSCAR s.17.08.2003 EST-02768/03 ID? värvus:hall i.LTJ CH BALTW-01 LV CH MUCHA MOOR’S A-BENITO e. FERNMARK FAOLAN kasv.K.Saar, Eesti om. Simmo Kerem, Koondise 3-24, Saue, Eesti Masculine, OK size. Masculine head. Good eye, teeth. Strong neck. Excellent body. Could be stronger in topline and better angulated both in front and behind. Good coat. Nice feet. OK mover, but not ready coming and going. 2/2 Isane avaklass (male, open class) 6. LV J CH VEJGARI ELF s.07.06.2003 LV-8421/03 ID A459 värvus: valge i.LVEmane noorteklass (female, intermediate class) 7. FERNMARK JASPIS s.21.11.2003 FIN10712/04 ID 985120019629691 värvus: brindle i.FIN EST CH ESTJW-03 ESTW-04 FRAG’ ARACH VON DEN ERZMINEN e.FIN CH FERNMARK GLIESE kasv.U.Af Heurlin, Finland om. Paula Halme, Raikukuja 2b 20, Vantaa, Finland Feminine bitch. Good head and eye. Small ears. Good teeth, strong neck. Well bodied. Should be stronger in topline. Would like to see more angulation in front and behind and stronger hocks. OK mover from side. Good coat 2/1 Emane tšempionklass (female, champion class) 8. Fenora Dwar's Valley s.29.01.1999 EST-02156/99 ID: värvus: brindle i: LV & LTUCH LV & LTUW96 KLU'96 Arguss Vejgari e. LV & LTUCH KLU'96 Mucha Moor's Irisha kasv: L.Blazevica, Läti om. Maarja.Uibo, Lääne Virumaa Kadrina vald, Hõbeda küla, Eesti Good size. Feminine, elegant head. Good eye. Nice tight ears. Elegant neck. OK topline. Would like to see more angulation in front, knees and hocks. Excellent depth of body. Would like to see more strenght and power behind. Would like to see more balance of the move. Good feet. 2/3 9. S&N&FIN CH GREIRISH LIKE A QUEEN s.? S34286/2000 ID? värvus: must i.CH WOLFSBANE PRE-EMINENCE’S BLACK MAGIC e.S&FIN CH PRE-EMINENCE’S BLACK MAGIC kasv.? om.Per Lundström, Djupviksvägen 25, Norsborg, Sweden Excellent quality, type and size. Excellent head, good eye. Could have better ears. Excellent neck and topline, underline. Well bodied. Excellent angulation front and behind. Strong hocks. She is a very nice mover from side, showing breed type to perfection, though could be better going away. Excellent coat.1/1, PE1, SERT, TP, BIS1 10. LVExcellent bitch of very nice breed type and size. Nice feminine head. Good eye, excellent neck, top and underline. Well bodied. Could have a little more angulation in front, especially in upper arm, as well as behind. She is a nice mover. Good coat and feet.1/2 PE2 Paaride võistlus (brace competition) 11. VEJGARI FEB& VEJGARI ELATA om T.Podoljaka, Markalnes 86, Riga, Latvia Nice pair of wolfhounds where the bitch excells in type and quality 1 Vene hurt (Borzoi) Isane juuniorklass (male, junior class) 12. EXLIBRIS CANES KARALEVSKI LUTŠ s. 17.06.2004 EST-02063/04 ID 206E3 värvus:must-valge i.EST JCH EST JW-04 RUSSKIY STANDART ATLET e. EXLIBRIS CANES TAINA VESNA kasv. Kasmann&Kruus, Eesti om. Kasv.&Marju Paide, Lehise 7, Klooga aedlinn, Eesti Junior of good size. Elegant head. Good eye. Good teeth. Nice Neck. A little too much topline. Excellent brisket. Balanced angulation. A little low over shoulders. Would like to see a bit more balance on the move. Nice bone, coat and feet. 2/3 13. EXLIBRIS CANES KRASNÕI ALLIGAATOR s.17.06.2004 EST-02063/04 ID 206E3 värvus: punane-valge i.EST JCH EST JW-04 RUSSKIY STANDART ATLET e. EXLIBRIS CANES TAINA VESNA kasv. Kasmann&Kruus, Eesti om.kasv.&Mare Roosi, Koidu 72, Keila, Eesti Most elegant junior dog. Nice eyes and type. Elegant head, good eye. Small tight ears. Elegant neck. Excellent topline on the move. Would like to see a bit more angulation especially in front. Excellent coat and feet. Very nice mover for age. 1/2 14. PHILADELPHIAN SABANNA AGROSS s.20.07.2004 EST-02577/04 ID 257E7 värvus: must valgegai.EST JCH EST JW-04 RUSSKIY STANDART ATLET e.INT EST LT RO CH ESTW-03 LTW-03 EXLIBRIS CANES BACA BERJOZKA kasv.R.Teek, Eesti om.kasv&Niina Teek, Viljandi mnt.57, Tartu, Eesti Was not presented 15. PHILADELPHIAN SABANNA AZOV s.20.07.2004 EST-02577/04 ID 257E7 värvus: soobel i.EST JCH EST JW-04 RUSSKIY STANDART ATLET e.INT EST LT RO CH ESTW-03 LTW-03 EXLIBRIS CANES BACA BERJOZKA kasv.& om. Rita Teek, Viljandi mnt.57, Tartu, Eesti Excellent junior posessing breed type. Excellent size. Super head and eye. Excellent teeth. Super neck and topline. Good depth of chest for his age. Excellent bone and feet. Would like to see a bit more angulation behind especially in hocks, but moves beautifully for age. Excellent coat. 1/1 BOB-J, J-CERT Emane juuniorklass (female, junior class) 16. EXLIBRIS CANES KALINA KRASNAJA s.17.06.2004 EST-02063/04 ID 206E3 värvus: punane-valge i.EST JCH EST JW-04 RUSSKIY STANDART ATLET e. EXLIBRIS CANES TAINA VESNA kasv. Kasmann&Kruus, Eesti om.kasv.& J.Kadõrov, Linnamäe tee 8-39, Tallinn, Eesti Most feminine and elegant junior bitch. Feminine head, good eye. Small tight ears. Good teeth, elegant long neck. Nice topline. Nice angulation behind. Would like to see straighter upper arm. Excellent mover for age, but need more time. Good coat and feet. 2/2 17. PHILADELPHIAN SABANNA ALMAZKA s.20.07.2004 EST-02577/04 ID 257E7 värvus: soobel i.EST JCH EST JW-04 RUSSKIY STANDART ATLET e.INT EST LT RO CH ESTW-03 LTW-03 EXLIBRIS CANES BACA BERJOZKA kasv.& om. Rita Teek, Viljandi mnt.57, Tartu, Eesti Excellent junior bitch of super type. Good head and eye. Good teeth, nice neck and topline. Excellent body for age with impressive depth of body. Balanced angulation front and behind. Nice mover for her age. Excellent coat, bone and feet.1/1 BOS-J, J-CERT, BB2 Isane noorteklass (male, intermediate class) 18. ESTET CLASSIC MIHEI SEVERNYI s. 25.10.2003 EST-03047/03 ID968000001903903 värvus: valge i.LV J CH, LVW-03 VELIKIJ BONAPART IZ RAZDOLIA e. EST V CH ESTET CLASSIC SOLE LOREN DE LUX kasv. O.Onutchina&N.Kasemets, Eesti om. Veera Zubkova, Avar 5 – 27, Maardu, Eesti Very good size and outline. Masculine head that could be a little more refined. Excellent eye, nice ears. Strong neck. Excellent top and underline. A little upright on front, but nice angulation behind. Nice mover from side. Good feet and coat. 1/2 19. RAJALINJAN BORISOVITCH s.02.08.2003 EST-00204/04 ID 41730D värvus: valge i.INT&MULTI CH, WW-02 RAJALINJAN ORLOW e. INT&MULTI CH RAJALINJAN KITARO kasv.M&M. Saarinen om. Rita Teek, Viljandi mnt.57, Tartu, Eesti Very nice dog of nice size and breed type. Masculine head that could be a little more refined. Excellent eye, neck, top and underline. Well bodied. Strong hindquarters. Excellent hocks. Good coat and bone. Nice mover from side when tends to show.1/1 BD3 Isane avaklass (male, open class) 20. HALDJAS ELLADAN s.30.12.2002 EST-00293/03 ID 29D3 värvus: valge halliga i.FIN CH SCH LV CH LVW-01 EST V CH RAJALINJAN OBERON e.EST V CH LV CH ESTET CLASSIC STAR SHEBA kasv.A.Veeret, Eesti om.Maiu Vendla, Raudtee 123, Tallinn, Eesti Most elegant dog of excellent size and type. Super head and expression. Good neck and topline. Nice depth of body. OK angulation. Nice freemover. Excellent coat, bone and feet.1/2 21. EST J CH EST JW-04 RUSSKIY STANDART ATLET s.24.01.2003 RKF 1362852 ID OKC 1 värvus: soobel i. RUS BLR UKS CH EUJW-00 MANITAS KRASNÕI ORIEL e.RUS CH EXLIBRIS CANES BELOE NOTSHI kasv.D.Ivashin, Venemaa om.Ella Kasmann, Sinilille 5, Klooga aedlinn, Eesti Nice type and size. Masculine head with excellent eye. Very good neck, excellent top and underline with super depth of body. Balanced angulation. He is a nice mover. Good bone and feet, excellent coat.1/1 BD1, SERT, BOS 22. STARAJA RUSSA DAROSLAV s.29.04.2003 FIN29269/03 ID 29269D värvus:punane valgega i:INT FIN EST LTU CH LTW-00 BALTW-00 DARBASCHAN’S SCOTCH AMBER e.INT FIN N S EST CHAMPION ESTW-00 BORSCANA HELTER SKELTER kasv.S&K.Voutilainen, Soome om.Tiina Saarinen & Ralf Blomqvist, Loveret 1C 15, Jakobstad, Finland Excellent size and breed type. Very long in head. Would like to see stronger underjaw, a better mouth. Good eye. Excellent neck and topline. Excellent depth of body. Well angulated with nice strong hocks. Happy tail. Excellent coat, bone and feet. Nice free mover, but the mouth faults him.2/3 Isane kasutusklass (male, working class) 23.EST CH LV CH EXLIBRIS CANES LEVITAN VELIKY s.30.03.2002 EST-01075 ID 107C5 värvus: punane valgega i.INT CH EST CH LVW-00 KLW-00 LV CH PORT CH HEPI HEPRI LIHODEY e. EXLIBRIS CANES TAINA VESNA kasv.Kasmann&Kruus, Eesti om.Inna Viks, Paide, Eesti A dog of nice size. Masculine head. Good eye. Strong neck. Excellent topline. Good depth of chest. Nice bone. Overall a nice dog, but as he is totally lame on his hindquarters, I have to disqualify him according to European show rules. 0 Isane tšempionklass (male, champion class) 24.EST CH HALDJAS ELROHIR s.30.12.2002 EST-00293/03 ID 29D3 värvus: hall valgega i.FIN CH SCH LV CH LVW-01 EST V CH RAJALINJAN OBERON e.EST V CH LV CH ESTET CLASSIC STAR SHEBA kasv.A.Veeret, Eesti om.Inna Viks, Paide, Eesti Excellent dog of very nice type and size. Super head and eye, neck, top and underline. Good body. Balanced angulation in front and behind. Balanced mover. Excellent bone and feet. 1/1 BD4 Emane avaklass (female, open class) 25. EXLIBRIS CANES TAINA VESNA s.24.06.1998 EST-01460/98 ID? värvus: punane valgega i.EXLIBRIS CANES ESSAMBAJEV e. ELOJKLOTILDA kasv.Kasmann&Kruus, Eesti om.Ella kasmann, Sinilille 5, Klooga aedlinn, Eesti Excellent size. Good head with excellent eye. Strong neck. A little low in shoulders, otherwise excellent topline. Well bodied, a bit broad in front. Nicely angulated. Nice mover from side, but could be better coming and going. Nice feet. 1/2 BB4 26. TARIJEMIRAN BERESINA s.01.11.2002 FIN46626/02 ID246098101016838 värvus:punane valgega i.TARIJEMIRAN ABRAHAM e. KAZNAN HENNA kasv.R&T.Liesko, Finland om.Anniina Liesko, Ansiotie 1, Kyröskoski, Finland Excellent type and size. Long feminine head, excellent eye. Small ears. Excellent neck and topline and underline. Strong, well angulated hindquarters with super hocks. A bit broad and upright in front. She’s a super mover. Excellent bone and feet.1/1 BB1, CERT, BOB Emane tšempionklass (female, champion class) 27. CARABIDA’S BEL-RIA s.10.04.1998 FIN20982/98 ID 20982K värvus: valge kreemiga i.FIN & S CH POLONGAIN ZIMBALIST e. FIN&EST CH RAJALINJAN JADWIGA-JADE kasv.P.Kaskiharju, Finland om.Anne Kataja, Alakiventie 3B 25, Helsinki, Finland Excellent size and type. Feminine head. Excellent eye, neck and top and underline. Balanced angulation. Not much, but enough. Nice mover from side, but could be stronger coming and going. Excellent feet. 1/1 BB3 Paaride võistlus (brace competition) 28. PHILADELPHIAN SABANNA ALMAZKA& PHILADELPHIAN SABANNA AGROSS, om.Rita Teek, Viljandi mnt.57, Tartu, Eesti Kasvatajaklass (breeders class) 29. KENNEL EXLIBRIS CANES, om.Ella Kasmann& Leena Kruus, Sinilille 5, Klooga aedlinn, Eesti Järglasteklass (progeny class) 30. RUSSKIY STANDART ATLET, om.Ella Kasmann, Sinilille 5, Klooga aedlinn, Eesti Dogs no 13, 14, 15, 16, 29. Nice class of progency, where the sire has given lots of his qualities as type, size, head, eyes, necks, toplines, depth of body. Good bone and feet.1 Greyhound Isane kutsikaklass (male, puppy class) 31. BOLD N FLASHY OF NICE’S GREYS s.19.09.04 LV-11148/05 ID? värvus: white&fawn i. INT&MULTI CH JET’S SOMETHING IN THE WAY U SMILE e.INT&MULTI CH EIKICA ROYAL RASHEL kasv.L.Prokofjeva, Läti om.N.Basina, Vangazu 28-9, Riga, Latvia 1 EAH BOB puppy Emane kutsikaklass (female, puppy class) 32. BLOW MY SOUL OF NICE’S GREYS s.19.09.04 LV-11153/05 ID? värvus: white&fawn i. INT&MULTI CH JET’S SOMETHING IN THE WAY U SMILE e.INT&MULTI CH EIKICA ROYAL RASHEL kasv.L.Prokofjeva, Läti om.N.Basina, Vangazu 28-9, Riga, Latvia2 33. BELLE CAPRICE OF NICE’S GREYS s.19.09.04 LV-11155/05 ID? värvus: brindle i. INT&MULTI CH JET’S SOMETHING IN THE WAY U SMILE e.INT&MULTI CH EIKICA ROYAL RASHEL kasv.L.Prokofjeva, Läti om.M.Plume, Priezu 46, Ventspils, Latvia1 EAH BOS puppy 34. UNDERLINE IVY PEPPY JOY s.17.09.2004 LV-10951/05 ID? värvus: redi. CH EIKICA XXL e. ? kasv.& om. I.Laskovska, Latvia 3 Isane avaklass (male, open class) 35. EIKICA XXL s.17.07.2001 DKK14513/2001 ID? värvus: white&red i.MULTI CH EIKICA KEEP ON KIO e. INT&DK CH. EIKICA YEWEL JOICE, kasv.H.Böckhaus, Taani, om. L.Prokofjeva, Kraslavas 7-23, Riga, Latvia 36. FIN CH KIMSAR FEEL THE FIRE s. 17.03.2003 FIN18841/03 ID 985100010750632 värvus: brindle i. INT, AM, FIN, EST, S CH FINW-02-04 NORDW-03WINDROCK FERNANDO e. FIN, EST, S CH KIMSAR FEELING BLUE kasv.Kimmo Saarinen&Seppo Tanninen, Finland om.Kirsi Uutela, Veteraanitie 7 C 24, Mäntsälä 04600, Finland Excellent type and size. Good head and eye. Long neck, excellent top and underline and depth of body. Excellent strong hindquarters, but would like to see more chest and better angulated upper arm. Excellent coat, bone and feet. Super free mover.1/1 BD1, SERT, BOB Isased kasutusklass (male, working class) 37.EST V CH CHANSONETEST SERAPIS s. 01.07.2001 EST 01796/01 ID 985100005612464 värvus: red&white i. MULTI W, MULTI CH JET’S KEEP THE SNAKE e. MULTI W, MULTI CH WILHELLMIINAN MOLLA MAIJA kasv. P&K. Koor, om. Katrin Raie, Vilde 143 – 28, Tallinn, Eesti Dog of excellent size. Would like to see a better head especially in the scull. Good eye and ears. Excellent neck. Too much rise in the topline and fall in croup. Tremendous depth of body. Would like to see better underline. Well angulated hindquarters. Would like to see a bit more extensions in the hindquarters. Excellent coat and feet.2/1 Isane tšempioniklass (male, champion class) 38. INT CH EST V CH ESTW-01 AZRAVI’S JAILHOUSE ROCK s. 19.04.1999 EST-00212/00 ID 985100005963759 värvus: white&brindle i. NORD CH, NORDW-98, SW-98 JET’S AS YOU LIKE IT e. N CH AZRAVI’S GEMME kasv. B.K. Schultz &I.Aanes, Norra, om. Katrin Raie, Vilde 143 – 28, Tallinn, Eesti Excellent type and size. Excellent head and eye. Good ears. Long impressive bodylines, but a bit flat in topline. Excellent chest and body. Well angulated in front and behind. Would like to see a bit more rhytm in move. Otherwise very good dog.1/1 BD 2 39. EST J CH, BALT JW-02 EST&LV&RUS&FIN&BALT CH, ESTW-03-04,LTW-04, DVM-04 CHANSONETEST SKARABEUS s. 01.07.2001 EST 01796/01 ID 179B3 värvus: red&white i. MULTI W, MULTI CH JET’S KEEP THE SNAKE e. W, MULTI CH WILHELLMIINAN MOLLA MAIJA kasv. P&K Koor om. Piret Koor, Siili 25-4, Tallinn, Eesti Excellent size and type. OK head with excellent expression. Good ears. Excellent neck, top and underline. Well angulated hindquarters. Would like to see a bit more body and chest for his age. Very free mover, excellent coat.1/2 BD 3 Emane noorteklass (female, intermediate class) 40. ESTET CLASSIC FIDONA-SOFIA s.16.08.2003 EST-02659/03 ID 265D9 värvus: white i.EIKICA XXL e.EST V CH GAYSIDE CHRISTMAS MAGIC kasv. O.Onutchina& N.Kasemets om.Anneli Valge, Vesivärava 20-5, Tallinn, Eesti Most elegant and not ready developed. Most feminine head, excellent eye. Long elegant neck tends to fall too much in topline. Very short in brisket. Would like to see more ribbing and overall more substance. She is a nice mover from side.2/1 Emane avaklass (female, open class) 41. AIRY ELF’S HALLEYS COMET s.05.01.2003 LV-7735/03 ID? värvus:? .INT&LVMost feminine bitch. Feminine head, good eye. Excellent neck. Good topline. Would like to see more chest and fill of body. Nice hindquarters with good hocks. A bit too much catfeet in front. A little lame on move.2/3 42. LV CH AIRY ELF’S GINGERBREAD HEART s.20.04.2002, LV-6864/02 ID ? värvus: red i. DK&FIN CH W-98 KINGSIZE KAZZ e. LV<&EST CH, BALTW-99 ELF’S ADELI RAIN kasv.I.Bobkova&A.Kraujina om. A.Kraujina, Rusova 32-30, Riga, LV-1026, Latvia Most feminine bitch. Elegant head, good eye, nice neck, top and underline, but would like to see more chest and depth of body. Well angulated hindquarters. A bit upright in front. Good coat. Good mover1/2 BD4 172. Kimsar True Feelings Fin 18847/03 ID 188470 om. Anne Asp, Ummeljan tie 14, Helsinki Finland Excellent bitch of excellent size, outline and breed type. Good head and eye. Neat ears. Long neck. Excellent topline. Well bodied. A little heavy in underline. Excellent chest and angulation in front and hindquarters. Exellent hocks. She is a nive mover when she tends to show. Excellent coat. Needs a bit more training.1/1 BB2, SERT Emane tšempioniklass (female, champion class) 43. INT&LV&EST<&RUS&BLR&FIN CH ELF’S EXCLUSIVE LETTISH STRIP s.24.03.2000 LV-Exp-4290/00 ID 0985100005228685 värvus:? i.MULTI CH JET’S KEEP THE SNAKE e.LVExcellent bitch. Nice type and size. Excellent head and good eye. Nice neck. Excellent outline. Good body. Well angulated. Would like to see a bit more extension and spirit in move. Otherwise good greyhound bitch.1/2 BB3 44. LVExcellent bitch of nice size and quality. Super outline. Feminine head and good eye. Nice neck, top and underline. Nicely angulated both in front and behind. Excellent free mover. Super coat.1/1 BB1 BOS Saluki Emane kutsikaklass (female, puppy class) 45. AL KHABARA DHABI-DHURRAH s.23.10.2004 EST-03327/04 ID233098100002324 värvus: grizzle i. AZIZ SHARIK e.INT&FIN&IT&EST&LV<&UA CH AZIZ MAHTAB kasv.&om. Monica &Alex Kullarand, Eesti 1 EAH BOB puppy Isane avaklass (male, open class) 46.AL KHABARA BABBAR s.23.01.2003 FIN36476/03 ID 985120013987966 värvus: grizzle i. AZIZ KABIR e.INT&FIN&IT&EST&LV<&UA CH AZIZ MAHTAB kasv.Monica &Alex Kullarand, Harjumaa, Eesti om.Pauliina Perheenmies, Kalastajankatu 19, Kotka, Finland Excellent type and size. Super head and eye. Good neck, nice developed body. A bit upright in front. Moves beautifully from side. Excellent coat and feet.1/ 2BD 2 47. AL WATHBA TIMIN SATTAM s.13.09.2002 FIN45529/02 ID54422P värvus: creme i. FIN&S&V CH FIN&S LCCH KIRMAN NARGIL e.AL WATHBA SUHA SADAGA kasv.I.Hägg&C.Pettersson, Sweden om. Heli Perkkiö, Aaltosenkatu 49F 86, Tampere, Finland Most elegant. Excellent type, size. Excellent head and eye. Nice neck and topline. Excellent chest and depth of body. Nicely angulated both in front and rear. Moves beautifully from side. Not ready from side. Excellent bone and feet.1/1 BD 1 SERT BOB Isane kasutusklass (male, working class) 48. FIN&S&V CH FIN&S LCCH KIRMAN NARGIL s.24.06.1997 FIN34863/97 ID 34863 värvus: fawn i. INT&FIN&S&EST&DK CH W-02 KIRMAN LAERTES e. KIRMAN DAYITA kasv.H.Nousiainen, Finland, om. Heli Perkkiö, Aaltosenkatu 49F 86, Tampere, Finland Most handsome dog of excellent quality, type and size. Masculine head could be more refined in scull. Nice eye. Good neck and chest. Well angulated hindquarters. Good bone and feet. Nice moving dog.1/1 BD3 Emane tšempioniklass (female, champion class) 49. EST V CH BALTW-04 LTW-04 LTJW-04 AL KHABARA BATSHEBA s.23.01.2003 EST-00667/03 i. INT&EST&FIN&S&LV CH JWW-98 FIN L-C CH AZIZ KABIR e.INT&FIN&IT&EST&LV<&UA CH AZIZ MAHTAB kasv.&om. Monica &Alex Kullarand, Kustja tee, Haiba, Harjumaa, Eesti Most feminine and elegant quality bith of excellent type. Most feminine head, good eye, super neck. Good topline. Nice feet. Would like to see a bit more feathering but can see an excellent bitch.1/1 BB1 BOS Afganistani hurt (Afghan hound ) Isane beebiklass (male, baby class) 50.OSHANAMEH’S DROP DEAD GORGEOUS s.05.12.2004 EST-00154/05 ID15F4värvus: black&brindle i.EST JW’04 EST JCH LV JCH OSHANAMEH’S CELEBRATION ON ICE e. OSHANAMEH’S ARIEL THE MERMAID kasv.A.&I.Naarits om. Kaire Piheldas & kasv., Kadaka pst.169a – 34, Tallinn, Eesti 1 Isane kutsikaklass (male, puppy class) 51. BOXADAN MAKE MY DAY s.05.10.2004 DKK22010/2004 ID? värvus: black&brindle i.S&DK CH MR SANDMAN’S TELL A ZCOOP e.S&DK CH BOXADAN LET THEM TALK kasv.L.Jörgensen, Denmark om.Heikki Tukkila, Tukkilantie 168, Kerkkoo, Finland1 EAH BOB puppy Emane juuniorklass (female, junior class) 52. KHAFKA’S ONLY ONE s.06.01.2004 LOE1458551 ID? värvus: black i.MULTI CH WW-04 KHAFKA’S SONG SUNG BLUE e. MULTI CH ONE WOMAN SHOW DES JARDIN’S D’ALLAH kasv.P.Gallardo&F.Duque, Spain om.Ina Jantunen, Aallonhuippu 9B 26, Espoo, Finland Most feminine and elegant junior bitch of high quality. Posessing breed type and outline. Feminine head, good eye. Nice head and topline. Balanced angulation., but enough. Good body for age. Nice free mover from side. Excellent coat.1/ 1 J-SERT BOB-J Isane veteranklass (male, veteran class) 53. EST V CH, ESTW-98-04 OSHANAMEH’S FLAMING TOUCH s.05.12.1994 EST-00284/95 ID? värvus: black&tan i. LVW-96, EST&FIN CH, V-93 PZSG-94 PL V-94 FIRESOUL’S AUSTRALIAN BOSS e. EST<&LV CH LTUW-94, ESTW-95-96, LVW-96 OSHANAMEH’S BLACK HUMOUR kasv.A.Naarits, Eesti om.Tatjana Borissevits&kasv., Kuldnoka 7-13, Tallinn, Eesti Excellent 11 years old veteran posessing breed type. Masculine head, excellent eye. OK neck. Well bodied. We see his age on his topline, but moving with great spirit. Excellent coat and condition for age.1/1 BOS-V Emane veteranklass (female, veteran class) 54.EST&RUS CH, LVJW-97 BOXADAN I BETTER ASK MUM s.21.03.1997 DKK- ID värvus: black&tan i.EL KHYRIAS ALL TIME HIGH e. BOXADAN BEAUTIFUL DREAMER kasv.L.Jörgensen, Denmark om.Anne&Iren Naarits, Hiiu Maleva 5, Tallinn, Eesti Most feminine and elegant veteran bitch of high quality. Nice head, good eye, nice neck and topline. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Could have more depth in body. Excellent coat, free mover.1/1 BOB-V Isane noorteklass (male, intermediate class) 173. Neliapilan Kuutamokeikka FIN            44256/03 ID 246098100135000 i. Ch Neliapilan Uutisaihe, e. Ch Neliapilan Asfalttiruusu, kasv. Kettunen/ Vihma.inland, Om. Lämsä Pahtaklari, Tähtimötie 10B27 Oulu, Finland Nice balanced dog. Excellent outline, size and type. Masculine deep head. Good eye. Excellent neck and topline. Nice chest. Balanced angulation. Moves very powerful and majestic. Nicely done coat. Well presented.1/1 Isane avaklass (male, open class) 55. S CH KHAOS ZEALOT s.10.06.2002 S37941/2002 ID 37941P värvus: black&tan i. ESCH ALL-THAT-JAZZ OF SHIKARAH’S e. SUCH KHAOS ON A GREAT SUNNY DAY kasv.C.R.Lundström om. Sofia Lindh, Förrǻdsgatan 10, Solna, Sweden Masculine dog of high quality. Super outline. Masculine head. Good eye. Well angulated hindquarters. A bit upright in front. Nice mover from side, but not ready from side. Excellent coat and feet.1/3 56.LVW-05 ORPHEUS s.25.01.2003 EST-00496/03 ID 49D6 värvus: silver black maski. INT&MULTI CH OLAF DU MENUEL GALOPIN e. JOYFUL SYMPHONY BUSY BUTTERFLY kasv.K.Joa, Eesti om. Inga Skavronska, J.Plieksana 90-9, Jurmala, Latvia Strong masculine dog of excellent size. Most masculine deeop head that could be a little more refined. Nice hocks and topline. Good body. OK angulated. Nice mover from side when tends to show, but a bit erratic from front. Nice coat.1 57. OSHANAMEH’S BET MY BOOTS s.25.01.2002 S60017/2002 ID 52C6 värvus: black&tan i.BOXADAN JUDGE FOR YOURSELF e. EST&RUS CH BOXADAN I BETTER ASK MUM kasv. A&I.Naarits, Eesti om.Ingrid Kristiansen, Stora Bränna 165, Västerlanda, Sverige Excellent size and breed type. Good head and eyes. Nice neck and topline. Good body. A bit upright in upper arm. Excellent low hocks. Moves with long free stride when shows. Excellent coat.1/2 58. OSHANAMEH’S CAUSE A RIOT s.06.05.2003 EST-01458/03 ID 145D8 värvus: black&brindle i. AM&CAN CH GENESIS-AMBELIKE BLACK ICE e. EST V CH LVW-02 ESTW-00 BOXADAN KNOW ME TO LOVE ME kasv.A&I.Naarits, Eesti om. Grete Olsson, Sweden Elegant dog of super size and outline. Masculine. Good eye, a bit hsort in neck. Nice topline with good hip bones. Good body, a bit upright in upper arm. Well angulated hindquarters. Nice mover when tends to show. Excellent coat. 1/4 59. ESTJW-04 EST JCH LV JCH OSHANAMEH’S CELEBRATION ON ICE s.06.05.2003 EST-011454/03 ID 145D4 värvus: black&silver i. AM&CAN CH GENESIS AMBELIKE BLACK ICE e. EST CH, ESTW-00, LVW-00 BOXADAN KNOW ME TO LOVE ME kasv.&om.Iren&Anne Naarits, Hiiu-Maleva 5, Tallinn, Eesti Excellent size and type. Good head and eye. Nice topline with excellent hip bones. Well angulated hindquarters. Nice body. Good front. Excellent mover from side. Excellent coat and feet.1/1 Isane tšempionklass (male, champion class) 60. SUCH FINUCH NUCH DKUCH AWBARI BETWEEN T’SHEETS s.09.04.2001 S38188/2001 ID752098101129178 värvus: black&tan i.AM&S&N&FIN&DK UCH BOANNE’S ROSENTHORN e.S&N UCH XENOS ROME kasv.M.Linner, Sweden om.Ulrica Ljungberg, Klockarvägen 3, Ranea, Sweden Excellent dog of nice size and outline. Excellent head and eye. Strong neck and topline. Nicely bodied, well angulated. Nice mover form side, but not quite steady in front coming. Super coat, well presented.1/3 BD3 61.CH INGENUE OZZY OZBOURNE s.10.01.2003 FIN15507/03 ID15507D värvus:golden black mask i.INT&FIN&S&DK&EST CH SCARAMIS PRIVATDETECTIVE e.BOANNE CATWALK OF VERPATSHA kasv.K.Juslin, Finland om.Kersti Paju&Leena Rönhoevde Juslin, Tähe 15-55, Tartu, Estonia Exellent stron gdog of excellent size and type. Masculine head, good eye, nice neck, shoulders and topline. Well made body. Balanced angulated not too much, but OK. Nice mover, good coat.1 62. FIN CH INGENUE PRIME MINIZTER s.10.01.2003 FIN15506/03 ID 985120008368774 värvus: brindle i. INT&FIN&S&DK&EST CH SCARAMIS PRIVATE DETECTIVE e. FIN CH BOANNE’S CATWALK O’VERPATSHA kasv.K.Juslin, Finland om.Molla Räsänen Rinnetie 6-8 as.1 Palokka, Finland Impressice champion of good size and quality. Well made head and good eye. Excellent neck, strong topline and good hipbone. Balanced angulated. Is nice mover when shown. Excellent coat, bone and feet1/1 BD1, BOS, CERT 63.S CH KHAOS EL JUEGO LOCO s. 11.08.2001 S51350/2001 ID 51350N värvus: grey i. AUST&N&DK CH QUOM JAMBALAYA N’JAZZ e. SLCCH, SUCH KHAOS TOMORROW NEVER DIES kasv.&om. C.R.Lundström, Djupviksvägen 25, Norsborg, Sweden Most impressive, excellent outline and type. Good head and eye. Super neck. Would like to see better shoulders. Excellent topline, underline, body and chest. Well angulated, he is nice mover when tends to show. Nice coat. He is not a small guy, burt shows lots of quality and presence.1/2 BD2 64.FIN&S&N&EST&LV CHOSHANAMEH’S A SON OF BASTY s.30.03.2000 FIN28841/00 ID100A2 värvus:brindle black mask i.FIN&USA&DK&S CH PMV-96 KBHV-98 MV-98 KBHV-99 BOXADAN DOUBLE TROUBLE e.EST&RUS CH LVJW-97 BOXADAN I BETTER ASK MUM kasv.A&I.Naarits, Estonia om.Outi&Heikki Tukkila, Tukkilantie 168, Kerkkoo, Finland Impressive dog. Very free moving. Masculine head, good eye, a bit short in neck. Good topline, nice body. Well angulated hindquarters. Nice coat, good feet. 1 65. FIN&S CH XCITING XTRA XTRA s.22.11.2000 FIN39877/01 ID11809N värvus: domino i.AM CH GENESIS-AMBELIKE SILVER CHARM e.S CH XCITING HEART OF GOLD kasv.C&B-M.Ekwall, Sweden om.Anne Lylymäki & Ari Roito, Valhetinkatu 11 A 25, Turku, Finland Excellent dog of high quality. Super type and outline. Good head and eye. OK neck. Excellent topline. Well bodied. Balanced angulation. Moves freely from side, but a bit unsteady coming and going.1/4 BD4 Emane avaklass (female, open class) 66. S CH KHAOS ZURPRICE s.10.06.2002 S37947/2002 ID 37947P värvus: brindle i. ESCH ALL-THAT-JAZZ OF SHIKARAH’S e. SUCH KHAOS ON A GREAT SUNNY DAY kasv.C.R.Lundström om.Beatrice Färeborg, Vasavägen 20 A, Täby, Sweden Excellent bitch of high quality. Excellent breed type and size, quarters, head and eye. Excellent neck, shoulders and topline. Balanced angulation. Good chest and body. Excellent free moving. Super coat and tail.1/1 BB1 BOB SERT 67. NELIAPILAN POHJANNEITO s.19.03.2003 FIN20883/03 ID20883D värvus: black&silver i.GB CH PHELEZZI PROMETHEUS e. INT&FIN&N CH NELIAPILAN YKSINÄINEN SUZI kasv.A.Kettunen&M.Vihma, Finland om.Raija Uurtio-Keränen, Nuotiotie 16, Kajaani, Finland Most feminine and elegant. Super type and size. Most feminine head and eye. Nice topline. A bit upright in front. Need to develop more chest and depth of body. Nice angulated hindquarters. Nice coat and tail. 1/3 68. OSHANAMEH’S ALL ABOUT LOVE s. 30.03.2000 FIN42690/00 ID 100A9 i. DK&S&USA&FIN&N&INT CH. WW-98, NORDW-96 BOXADAN DOUBLE TROUBLE e. EST&RUS CH, LVJW-97 BOXADAN I BETTER ASK MUM kasv. A.&I.Naarits om.Una Jantunen, Pyyntitie 4 B 26, Espoo, Finland Nice feminine bitch of excellent size and type. Super outline. Good head and eye. Nice neck and topline. Needs a bit more chest and depth of body. Excellent hindquarters with low hocks. Nice coat and tail. Sound mover from side. 1/2 69. ESTJW-04 EST JCH LV JCH OSHANAMEH’S CREME DE LA CREME s.06.05.2003 EST-011452/03 ID 145D2 i. AM&CAN CH GENESIS AMBELIKE BLACK ICE e. EST CH, ESTW-00, LVW-00 BOXADAN KNOW ME TO LOVE ME kasv.&om.Anne&Iren Naarits, Hiiu-Maleva 5, Tallinn 11618, Eesti Most feminine and elegant bitch of excellent size. Good head and eye. Long elegant neck. A bit forward and straight in hindquarters. Woudl liek to see b little more chest and depth of body. Nice mover from side, but from front could be stedier. Excellent coat. 1/4 174. Neliapilan Rosepippuri FIN            43879/01 ID 43879B i. Ch. Gimme A Man After Midnight e. Ch Neliapilan Apilankukka kasv. Kettunen/Vihma, om. Eija Pahtakari, Niittykuja 3A1 Saarenkylä, Finland. Nice bitch of Excellent size and type. Super head and eye. A bit short in neck. Needs more fill in chest and depth of body. A bit upright in upper arm. Well angulated hindquarters. Nice mover from side. Excellent coat and tail. A bit forward in front.1 Emane kasutusklass (female, working class) 70. EST V CH LVJW-01 LTJW-01 OSHANAMEH’S AFTER ME, PLEASE s. 30.03.2000 EST-01006/00 ID 100A6 i. DK&S&USA&FIN&N&INT CH. WW-98, NORDW-96 BOXADAN DOUBLE TROUBLE e. EST&RUS CH, LVJW-97 BOXADAN I BETTER ASK MOM kasv. A.Naarits om.Merle Reeds&kasv. Õismäe tee 85-31, Tallinn, Eesti Bitch of Excellent size. Good head and eye. Nice neck and topline. Would like to see more chest and depth of brisket and more body for age. As well as more angulation in front and behind and stronger hindquarters. Super coat.2/1 Emane tšempionklass (female, champion class) 71 .EST V CH ESTW’00’04 LVW’00 BOXADAN KNOW ME TO LOVE ME s.03.11.1998 DKK22145/98 ID? värvus: black&brindle i.INT&MULTI CH BOXADAN GRANDPA’ LIVES FOREVER e.DK&S CH BOXADAN BEAUTIFUL DREAMER kasv.L.Jörgensen, Denmark om.Anne&Iren Naarits, Hiiu Maleva 5, Tallinn, Eesti Most elegant and feminine. Nice eyes, good type. Excellent head and eye. Could be stronger in topline. Well made hindquarters. Nice chest. Nice mover from side. Excellent coat and tail.1/3 BB4 72. S CH KHAOS ZINGOALLA s.10.06.2002 S37944/2002 ID? värvus: black&tan i. ESCH ALL-THAT-JAZZ OF SHIKARAH’S e. SUCH KHAOS ON A GREAT SUNNY DAY kasv.C.R.Lundström, Sweden om.Sofia Lindh, Förradsgatan 10, Solna, Sweden Excellent bitch of great quality and attitude. Very proud of herself which I really enjoy. Excellent head and eye. Super neck and outline. Well made hindquarters. Could have more depth of body. Nice mover from side, but not steady coming. Excellent coat. 1/1 BB2 73. FIN&S CH FINW-04 NELIAPILAN TIETÄHTIIN s. 09.10.2000 FIN40129/00 ID40129 A värvus: black&silver i. INT CH FINW-98 NELIAPILAN LUKKOSEPPÄ e.INT CH FINW-01-02 BALTW-02 NELIAPILAN ASFALTTIRUUSU, kasv A.Kettunen&M.Vihma, Finland om.Raija Uurtio-Keränen, Nuotiotie 16, Kajaani, Finland Most impressive, excellent type and size. Nice head and expression. Good neck and topline. Excellent hindquarters, but could have more chest and depth of body for age. Very sound moving bitch. Excellent coat and handling.1/2 BB3 74. SUCH FINUCH DKUCH PUNAPAULAN SULTSINA s.19.12.2000 S21769/2002 ID12987B värvus: black&silver i.FINUCH DKUCH PUNAPAULAN OLEKSI e.XCITING STOP STOP STAY kasv.R.Aho, Finland om.Ulrica Ljungberg, Klockarvägen 3, Ranea, Sweden Excellent size and type, overall high quality. Super head and expression. Nice neck and topline. Well angulated hindquarters. Good chest. She tends to be a bit lame in her front leg, but very nice standing. Excellent coat and feet.1/4 Paaride võistlus (brace competition) 75.OSHANAMEH’S CELEBRATION ON ICE& OSHANAMEH’S CREME DE LA CREME, om. Anne & Iren Naarits, Hiiu maleva 5, Tallinn, Estonia Excellent brace of afghans of similar type, outline and size. They match beautifully to each other.1 Järglasteklass (progeny class) 76.BOXADAN I BETTER ASK MUM om.Anne & Iren Naarits, Hiiu Maleva 5, Tallinn, Eesti Participating dogs no 54, 60, 47, 61, 58 This is nice progency class where the dam has given her progency lots of her qualities – type, outline, heads, eyes, topline and hindquarters as well as movements. Congratulations!1 Kasvatajaklass 77. kennel “OSHANAMEH’S”, om.Anne & Iren Naarits, Hiiu Maleva 5, Tallinn Eesti Excellent group with typy afghans, similar outline, size, good heads, eyes, necks, top and underlines, as well as hindquarters. Would like to see a better upper arm. Excellent coat, nice tails.1 Whippet Emane beebikutsikas (female, baby class) 78.SHINING CRISTA ROMANTIKA s.15.11.2004 LŠVK W 0080/04 ID 0080 värvus:blue brindle &white i.EST CH BOXING HELENA’S ARTNIKON e.LTJ CH, LT CH LV KL W’02 BALTW’02 LTW’02 MY HOPE ROMANTIKA kasv.M.Taurusevičiene, Lithuania, om.Meeli Riismaa, Alu Tallinna 11-4, Rapla vald, Eesti1 Isane noorteklass (male, intermediate class) 79. GASELLE’S SINATRA s.01.11.2003 FIN45462/03 ID? värvus: white&brindle i.FIN&CAN&N CH MV-98 AVALONIA WHEATFIELD WAVING e.GASELLE’S LA SCALA kasv.I.Aho, Finland om.Bea&Nicklas Andersson, Kyyhkysmäki 22D 38, Espoo, Finland Rather tall but of high quality. Masculine head that could be more elegant in scull. Excellent neck, topline. Good body, but needs more depth with age. Well made hindquarters. Very sound mover from side and while coming and going.2/1 Isane avaklass (male, open class) 80. BRINGMEBACKTOLIVEMANN s.28.08.2003 LOI04/24636 ID380098101358726 värvus: white&brindle i.INT&MULTI CH EUW’99 WW’00 SHOWSTAR JUST ME e.GR JCH GR CH THESEXUALHEALER kasv.F.Manni, Italy om.Elen Aun & Liisa vesik, Nõva 15-9, Tartu, Eesti Excellent dog of super size and quality. Excellent head and eye. Good neck. Could be cleaner over shoulder. Excellent top and underline. Excellent chest and depth of body. Well made front and hindquarters. Is a very sound mover. Good coat, bone and feet.1/1 BD2 81. MERADITH NICZEGO SOBIE s.17.09.2002 PKR.X-5567 ID K127 värvus: blue i.MULTI CH COBYCO CALL THE SHOTS e.MULTI CH MERADITH BADZ NAJLEPSZA kasv.A.Nakonieczna om. J.Polica, Dzirciema 63-104, Riga, Latvia Rather small, but honest dog. Good head, eye and a bit short in neck. Faults too much in the crap. Excellent chest and delpth of brisket. Nice mover. 2/2 Isane tšempionklass (male, champion class) 82.SUCH NUCH FINUCH HJORTRONBLOMMAS GIN LEMON s.22.04.2000 S32232/2000 IDS32232/2000 värvus:beige&white i.NORDUCH INTUCH ACCENT’S LITTLE LIMERICK e.NORDUCH SIGNUM GUYANA kasv.A-L.Pekkari, Sweden om.Svanhild&Mats Ingvarsson, Granströmsv 4, Ursviken, Sweden Elegant male of excellent quality. Excellent type, make and shape. Excellent head and eye. Super neck, top and underline. Well angulated front and hindquarters. Stands and moves very beautifully. 1/1 BD1 SERT, BOB 83. LV CH KRASNAYA STRELA ARES s.09.11.2002 RKF 1320209 ID? värvus: fawn&white i.RUS CH KULIKOVO POLE GROZNY TSAR IVAN e.RUS CH CHANEL ANDREW MACCONO kasv.N.Cubarova om.A.Hvisevica, A.Deglava 156-64, Riga, Latvia LV CH 84. MICHAEL PRIDE UNIVERSE s.13.12.1998 LV-Exp-2910/99 ID B475 värvus: sandy i. DE ZAM RIKARDO FROM AMBER BEACH e. VALENSIA CHIROSKO DARLING kasv.J.Rosinska&M.Rudakov om. . J.Polica, Dzirciema 63-104, Riga, Latvia Nice dog of excellent size and type. Elegant head, nice eye. Strong neck. Excellent top and underline. Could have more angulated upper arm. Strong hindquarters, sound mover. 1/3 BD4 85. FIN CH SOFTOUCH CAPSICUM s.10.12.2000 FIN11459/01 ID985120019046153 värvus: brindle&white marks i.FIN CH PIPSQUEAK BROTHER MAGUS e.FIN CH SOFTOUCH MOONLIT SEA kasv.P.Muhonen, Finland om.Johanna Gustafsson, Saaliskatu 2E, Salo, Finland Rather big boy, but lots of quality. Excellent type, head, eye, neck, top and underline. Well made hindquarters. Stands and moves well.1/2 BD3 Emane noorteklass (female, intermediate class) 86.GASELLE’S SEMPRE AMORE s.01.11.2003 FIN45464/03 ID? värvus:? i. i.FIN&CAN&N CH MV-98 AVALONIA WHEATFIELD WAVING e.GASELLE’S LA SCALA kasv.I.Aho, Finland om.Mervi Mäkinen, Hirsipadontie 7G 59, Helsinki, Finland Most feminine bitch, elegant head, good eye, Excellent long neck. Good topline, a little short in unerline. Well made hindquarters. Sound mover. Excellent feet.1/1 BB2 Emane avaklass (female, open class) 87. GASELLE’S STELLA DI NOTTE s.01.11.2003 FIN45467/03 ID? värvus:? i. i.FIN&CAN&N CH MV-98 AVALONIA WHEATFIELD WAVING e.GASELLE’S LA SCALA kasv.I.Aho, Finland om.Sari Vartiainen, Karsikkokuja 4 B 23, Vantaa, Finland Most feminine, excellent size and type. Super head and eye and ears. Lon neck. Tremendous depth of body. Balanced angulation. Good mover.1/2 BB3 88.MARILYN PRIDE UNIVERSE s.13.12.1998 LV-Exp-2911 ID B474 värvus: sandy i. DE ZAM RIKARDO FROM AMBER BEACH e. VALENSIA CHIROSKO DARLING kasv.J.Rosinska&M.Rudakov om. J.Polica, Dzirciema 63-104, Riga, Latvia Excellent size, most feminine head. Would like better underjaw,. Elegant neck. Would you like to see better topline and crap – too much is arched. OK angulation, Nice mover, Would like to see better balanced horse who has already been given the medicine to calm her down.2/3 89.TWYBORN HAPPINESS s.25.01.2003 FIN33179/03 ID 985120019044846 värvus:fawn i.ZELIG ROKE e.TWYBORN ALICE I UNDERLANDET kasv.M.Vikström, Sweden om.Johanna Gustafsson, Saaliskatu 2 E, Salo, Finland Excellent bitch. She is a picture standing posessing type, balance, excellent head and eye. Good ears. Excellent neck, top and underline. Excellent chest and depth of body. Well made hindquarters. Needs more practice in ring training. Is very nice whippet bitch. A bit too much weight today.1/1 BB1 BOS SERT Paaride võistlus (brace competition) 90. MICHAEL PRIDE UNIVERSE& MARILYN PRIDE UNIVERSE, om. J.Polica, Dzirciema 63-104, Riga, Latvia A nice pair of whippets. Match beautifully to each other. Though I would like to ee more quality in both, but as a pair they are excellent.1 Itaalia väikehurt (Italian greyhound) Emane beebikutsikas (female, baby class) 91. DERVISCH DIAL L FOR LOVE s.30.11.2004 REG.? ID977200004562293 värvus: isabella i. INT NORD CH KBHV-04 EUGENIOS OTHELLO e. TALATA CARAMEL CREAM DREAM kasv. D.Grönlund, Sweden om. Leena Jääskelä, Museokatu30-32B 19, Helsinki, Finland 1 Isane kutsikaklass (male puppy class) 92. DRAGONHUNTER IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO s.04.11.2004 EST-03358/04 ID968000002662336 värvus: pruuni. CH NECKU LOVERS ROCK e. CH BRAVO BICCOLO AT ASTARTA kasv.K.Raie, Eesti om.kasv.&Ave Kotka, Vilde 143 – 28, Tallinn, Eesti1 EAH BOB puppy Emane kutsikaklass (female, puppy class) 93. DRAGONHUNTER BRAVO TARANTELLA BRAVO s.04.11.2004 EST- ID värvus: isabella i. CH NECKU LOVERS ROCK e. CH BRAVO BICCOLO AT ASTARTA kasv.K.Raie, Eesti, om. Maarja Uibo, Hõbeda küla, Kadrina vald, Eesti1 BOS puppy Isane juuniorklass (male, junior class) 94.ELEDI GRACE DREAM TO ME s.16.11.2003 FIN16007/04 ID B2763 värvus: isabella i. BALT CH ADELCHI SIRIO e. MULTI CH LATOYA EL-GRACE kasv.J.Jegorova, Latvia om.Marja Suojoki, Lupajantie 2J 63, Helsinki, Finland Most elegant Junior dog of excellent size, type and outline. Masculine head. Good eye. Elegant neck. Good topline. Typical angulation. Nice typical mocer from side, but could be better in front coming. Nice coat.1/1 BOS-J, J-SERT Emane juuniorklass (female, junior class) 95.DRAGONHUNTER TIGER LILY s.19.06.2004 EST-02522/04 ID 233098100002463 1 est värvus:sinine i.NECKU BEST BET YET E.EST V CH BRAVO BICCOLO LA JOLLA, kasv.&om. Katrin Raie, Vilde tee 143 – 28, Tallinn, Eesti Most feminine junior bitch of excellent breed type. Feminine head, good eye. Long neck. Good topline. Typically angulated. Excellent bone, coat. Nice moving from side, but could be better coming. Nice feet, excellent.1/2 96.ELEDI GRACE ERICCA GOTTO PICCOLO s.09.03.2004 LV-9775/04 ID? värvus: hall i.INT&MULTI CH PIZZIGOTTO VOM PELLERSCHLOSS e. EST JW’02 VANESSA ZLATA KLARIDAD kasv.J.Jegorova&J.Šestakova, Latvia om.Jana Šestakova, Ezermalas 13 – 10, Riga, LatviaExcellent junior bitch of super breed type. Excellent head, eye, small ears. Typical neck and topline. Well made hindquarters. Nice body. She is very nice and typical mover from side, but not quite ready from side. Excellent bone, coat and feet. 1/1 BOB-J, J-Sert Isane veteranklass (male, veteran class) 97. EST V CH, LJUW-98, LVW-98, LV CH BARZANAS BENEFATTORE s.01.01.1997 EST-01186/97 ID985100008064604 värvus: creme i.FIN MVA SMM-94 CIRO DELLA CAVEJA e. FIN MVA V-96 CAPRICOLE AFTON DARK kasv.T.Kaarijärvi, Soome, om. Katrin Raie, Vilde 143 – 28, Tallinn, Eesti Nice size of an ideal. Masculine head that could be more elegant in scull. Would prefer better bite. Good neck. A bit too much topline. Would like to see better underline. Nice angulated front and hindquarters. Excellent coat, bone and feet. He is a very typical mover from side. 1/1 TP Vet Emane veteranklass (female veteran class) 98. EST V CH ESTW’99 ZESTELLA BRAVO DE OLVI s. 17.09.1996 EST-01507/97 ID? värvus: isabella i.GRACIJS LORI DE KLARIDAD e.CERTU ROZITE kasv. L.Jegorova, Latvia om.Maarja Uibo Hõbeda küla, Kadrina vald, Eesti Excellent size and head and eye. Will have vleaner teeth. Excellent neck, body. Falls too much in croup. Would see better coat. Nice moving from side. Excellent feet.2/1 Isane avaklass (male, open class) 99. BELL CANTO s.09.02.2003 FIN38579/03 ID578050000070412 värvus: isabella i.TALATA URANOS e.N UNC DUNROBIN’S REBECCA kasv.H.Olsen, Norra om. Leena Jääskelä, Museokatu 30-32 B 19, Helsinki, Finland Very typical and nice sized dog. Good head and eye. Excellent mouth. Typical neck. Nice outline. Typical angulation. He is a nice mover. Excellent coat. 1/2 100. Bravo Biccolo Del Pietrio s.15.12.2000 EST-00304/01 ID nr.30B4 värvus:sinine i EST&LV CH LVJW98 LVW'98 Barzanas Benefattore E. EST CH ESTW'99 Zestella Bravo de Olvi kasv: M.Uibo, Eesti om: Maarja Uibo, Tallinn Typical Size. Good head and eye. Would like to see a better mouth. Elegant neck. Good body. Typically angulated. Nice typical mover from side. Good bone and feet.1/3 101.LV JUN CH ENRIKE MAGIJA s.18.09.2003 LV-8809/03 ID3626 värvus:isabella INT&MULTI CH PIZZIGOTTO VOM PELLERSCHLOSS e.IRIS DE OLVI kasv.J.Stepanovs, Latvia om.I.Stapane, Ozolciema 22/2-19, Riga, Latvia Typical outline. Excellent size, head and eye. Long neck, nice topline. Nicely angulated, sound mover from side. Excellent coat, bone and feet.1/1 BD1 BOS SERT Isane tšempioniklass (male, championclass) 102.MULTI CH LVW’04 ’05 PLW’04 LTW’04 BAKSTERS LORAL s.20.08.2001 LV-6050/01 ID985120021145181 värvus:hall i. INT&MULTI CH PIZZIGOTTO VOM PELLERSCHLOSS e.LORAL DOLCE kasv.R.Krukle, Latvia om.K&I.Gravas, Russes iela 13-10, Riga, Latvia Most typical champion dog. Excellent type and size. Super head, eyes and ears. Typical neck and topline. Excellent hindquarters. Nice body. Typical movement from side. Excellent bite, bone, coat and feet.1/1 BD2 103. EST J CH, EST V CH, LV CH, LT CH, BALT CH, BLR CH, FIN CH, ESTW-04 NECKU LOVERS ROCK s. 23.09.2001 EST 01441/02 ID 41240B i. AM CH, FIN CH SAND N SEA’S ALFA ROMEO e. EST V CH, FIN CH, DK CH, ESTW, BALTW, NORDW NECKU SYMPHONY IN BLU, kasv. J&T.Urpelainen om. Kristel Tilk, Siili10-26, Tallinn 13413, Tallinn, Estonia Excellent size and type. Good head and eyes. Typical neck and topline. Stands very well. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Excellent bone, boat and feet. He is a typical mover. Too broad in front coming. 1/2 BD3 Emane noorteklass (female, intermediate class) 104. FINJW-04 FINW-04 SOLTAR’S UNBELIEVABLE s.19.10.2003 FIN15215/04 ID985100010293014 värvus: isabella i.MULTI CH DOGCASTLE’S UNFORGETTABLE e. MULTI CH EUGENIOS JULIET CAPULET kasv.J.Lillstrang, Finland om. Hanna Ukura & kasv, Pöytäpetajänpiha 20, Tupos, Finland Most feminine and elegant bitch of high class. Oosing breed type and overall quality. Excellent head, expression. Small ears. Excellent neck. Super topline and underline. Typical angulation. Moves very nice from side, though not finished in front. Excellent bone, coat and feet.1/1 BB1 SERT BOB Emane avaklass (female, open class) 105. LTU JUN CH PEPILOTTA MAGIJA s.09.11.2002 LV-7722/03 ID2915 i. INT&MULTI CH PIZZIGOTTO VOM PELLERSCHLOSS e.IRIS DE OLVI kasv.J.Stepanovs, Latvia om.I.Stapane, Ozolciema 22/2-19, Riga, Latvia Most feminine and elegant. Excellent size. Very feminine head. Excellent topline and body. Typical angulation. Excellent coat. 1/1 Emane tšempionklass (female, champion class) 106.EST V CH BRAVO BICCOLO LA JOLLA s.15.12.2000 EST-00302/01 ID 985100006185426 värvus:sinine i. EST&LV CH LVJW98 LVW'98 Barzanas BenefattorE e.EST CH ESTW'99 Zestella Bravo de Olvi kasv. M.Uibo, Eesti om.K.Raie, Vilde 143 – 28, Tallinn Eesti Most elegant feminine dog. Super size, feminine head, good eye. Elegant neck. Nice topline, wellmade hindquarters. Typical mover from side, but unsteady from front when coming. Excellent coat . Good bite1/1 BB3 107. LTJ ESTJ LVJ BLTJ CH CJW’04 LV CH BALT W’04 LVW’05 LUX LORAL BELLA PATRICIA s.11.06.2003 LV-8713/03 ID985120021287000 värvus:hall i.INT&BRA&IT CH WW’04 GRATTAEVINCI DEI RAGGI DI LUNA e.INT&LV&ESTFeminine bitch of good quality. Nice head and expression. Good small ears. Long neck. A bit too much rise in topline. Falls too much in croup. Typically angulated. Nice mover form side, unstead in coming and going. Good bite. Excellent coat, bone and feet.1/2 BB4 Šoti hirvekoer (Scottish Deerhound) Emased kutsikaklass (bitches, puppy class) 169. Baylind Hepburn to Plixten 27.09.04 N22854/04 FIN 15934/05 ID 578050000097023 i. Artdoc Allister e. Bayling Godolplin kasv. Terje Holm-Nilsen Norway, om. K. Oinonen /Arhima, Finland.1 EAH BOB puppy Emased tsempioniklass (bitches, champion class) 170. Sandmans Cot’s Jean Harton FIN CH ID 35372L, i. Galerita Quickstep e. Expo Siluett’s Mimosa kasv. Honkaniemi om. Oinonen, Arhima, Finland Most elegant bitch of 5,5 years. Most feminine head, good eye, good neck and topline. Nice depth of brisket. Would like to see more length of body and more stamina especially in front. A bit too light in bone. Good mover from side, but unsteady coming and going. Nice coat. Should be much stronger in hocks.2/1